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Python Full Stack with Projects
Python Programming
Introduction to python (26:38)
Syntax and Style in Python (15:45)
Numbers in Python (11:36)
Control Statements in Python (24:34)
Sequences in Python (52:58)
Dictionaries in Python (11:28)
Functions in Python (16:51)
Modules in Python (25:48)
Files in Python (38:47)
Error Handling in Python (29:19)
Introduction to OOP (16:31)
OOP Features (29:52)
class and object in python (13:11)
Methods in Python (34:52)
Instance and Class Variables in Python (50:39)
Constructors in Python (33:36)
Inheritance in Python (36:44)
Sets in Python (29:17)
Access Modifiers in Python (32:55)
Multi Threading in Python (40:59)
Database Concept Basics (50:35)
Python Database Connetivity (39:10)
Notes PDF
Introduction to HTML (19:42)
Running HTML Programs (7:46)
Heading tags in HTML (4:40)
Paragraph tag in HTML (4:17)
Text formatting tags in html (19:01)
Hyperlinks in HTML (15:11)
Inserting images into webpages (11:24)
Tables in html (23:59)
Lists in HTML (17:03)
Frames in HTML (15:39)
Forms in HTML (68:44)
How to design basic website without css (58:03)
Teaching Notes
CSS introduction in telugu (14:17)
Inline style sheets tutorial in telugu (13:33)
Internal style sheets tutorial in telugu (15:05)
External style sheets tutorial in telugu (22:13)
CSS selectors turorial in telugu (71:47)
CSS-color-properties-tutorial-in-telugu (14:30)
Background styles in css (20:39)
Border styles in css (19:58)
Margin styles in css (14:54)
Padding styles in css (9:31)
Text styles in css (25:20)
Font styles in css (11:28)
Teaching Notes
javascript introduction in telugu (7:34)
output in javascript (24:42)
Comments in javascript (4:04)
varables and datatypes in javascript (7:25)
Popup boxes in javascript (12:10)
Operators in javascript (28:59)
Functions in javascript (23:26)
Arrays in javascript (7:10)
Control statements in javascript (28:33)
Javascript date (12:18)
Objects in javascript (18:48)
Javascript events (20:47)
Errors in javascript (23:20)
website-assignment (13:54)
Website_assignment_solution (184:18)
Teaching Notes
Django Web Development
Introduction to Django (14:28)
Django Software Setup (18:36)
MVT-Pattern in Django (18:25)
Creating First Django Project (23:15)
Creating Applications and Views (37:36)
Multiple Applications in Django Project (18:42)
Application Level URL Mappings (22:55)
Creating Templates in Django (35:40)
Sending data from view to template (20:38)
Inserting images into templates (17:01)
Linking stylesheets and templates (8:59)
setting homepage in django (34:43)
Models in Django (20:20)
Creating Models in Django (38:37)
Using Models in Views (38:01)
Django mysql connectivity (24:57)
Admin-UI in Django (16:55)
Django ORM Part-I (62:15)
Django ORM Part-II (38:10)
Model Forms in Django (28:07)
Saving form data (18:50)
Django Forms (22:17)
CRUD Operations (40:09)
Class-based views (13:56)
CRUD Operations using class based views (82:00)
Authentication in Django (35:12)
Authorization in Django (23:04)
Session management in django (90:40)
Notes PDF
Project Source code - School App
SQL Basic to Advanced
SQL Course Overview (7:35)
Introduction to DBMS (15:01)
Types of DBMS (26:12)
What is Meta Data (11:07)
Installing Oracle (13:52)
SQL sub languages (22:29)
SQL-Datatypes-Introduction (15:52)
character-data-types-in-oracle (19:40)
number-data-types-in-sql (15:53)
long-and-raw-datatypes (4:54)
datetime-data-types-in-sql (21:05)
Large-Object-data-types (8:01)
rowid-urowid-in-oracle (7:20)
What is DDL (11:28)
create in ddl (11:10)
alter in ddl (15:18)
rename in ddl (3:19)
truncate in ddl (8:23)
drop, flashback, purge in ddl (36:57)
What is DML (7:40)
insert in DML (32:02)
update in DML (17:21)
delete in DML (6:01)
insert all in DML (18:39)
merge in DML (19:55)
DRL / DQL (34:04)
Arithmetic Operators in SQL (5:47)
Relational Operators in SQL (5:38)
Logical Operators in SQL (7:58)
Special Operators in SQL (34:59)
Set Operators in SQL (14:59)
Concatenation Operator in SQL (2:41)
Transaction Control Language (TCL) (30:45)
Data Control Language (DCL) (28:25)
Group By Clause in SQL (28:28)
HAVING Clause (15:03)
Introduction to join (27:32)
equijoin in SQL (32:15)
nonequijoin in SQL (24:47)
Outer Join in SQL (21:18)
Self Join in SQL (10:18)
Cross Join in SQL (5:17)
Introduction to Subqueries (16:03)
when should we use subqueries (16:09)
Types of subqueries (10:12)
Non-Correlated Subqueries (34:23)
Correlated Subqueries (17:29)
Inline-view Subqueries (5:24)
Scalar Subqueries (12:36)
Introduction to Constraints in SQL (5:55)
Not Null Constraint in SQL (18:47)
Default Constraint in SQL (44:48)
Check Constraint in SQL (27:43)
Primary Key Constraint in SQL (34:10)
Unique Key Constraint in SQL (18:52)
Foreign Key Constraint in SQL (38:35)
Summary on Constraints (20:37)
Set Operators in SQL (16:45)
Introduction to PL/SQL (16:28)
PL/SQL Procedures (24:52)
Variables in PL/SQL (20:11)
String Datatypes in PL/SQL (17:47)
String functions in PL/SQL (31:01)
Number Datatypes in PL/SQL (8:12)
Number related Functions (43:13)
Date Datatypes in PL/SQL (11:14)
Date Functions in PL/SQL (20:17)
How to read input from user in PL/SQL (10:21)
%TYPE and %ROWTYPE in PL/SQL (21:18)
Control Statements in PL/SQL (9:38)
If Statement in PL/SQL (36:57)
Case in PL/SQL (20:26)
For loop in PL/SQL (30:40)
While and Simple Loops (18:45)
Introduction to Cursors (15:03)
Implementing Cursors in PL/SQL (44:23)
Ref Cursors in PL/SQL (8:49)
Error Handling in PL/SQL (48:40)
Teach online with
nonequijoin in SQL
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