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Python Full Stack with Projects
Python Programming
Introduction to python (26:38)
Syntax and Style in Python (15:45)
Numbers in Python (11:36)
Control Statements in Python (24:34)
Sequences in Python (52:58)
Dictionaries in Python (11:28)
Functions in Python (16:51)
Modules in Python (25:48)
Files in Python (38:47)
Error Handling in Python (29:19)
Introduction to OOP (16:31)
OOP Features (29:52)
class and object in python (13:11)
Methods in Python (34:52)
Instance and Class Variables in Python (50:39)
Constructors in Python (33:36)
Inheritance in Python (36:44)
Sets in Python (29:17)
Access Modifiers in Python (32:55)
Multi Threading in Python (40:59)
Database Concept Basics (50:35)
Python Database Connetivity (39:10)
Notes PDF
Introduction to HTML (19:42)
Running HTML Programs (7:46)
Heading tags in HTML (4:40)
Paragraph tag in HTML (4:17)
Text formatting tags in html (19:01)
Hyperlinks in HTML (15:11)
Inserting images into webpages (11:24)
Tables in html (23:59)
Lists in HTML (17:03)
Frames in HTML (15:39)
Forms in HTML (68:44)
How to design basic website without css (58:03)
Teaching Notes
CSS introduction in telugu (14:17)
Inline style sheets tutorial in telugu (13:33)
Internal style sheets tutorial in telugu (15:05)
External style sheets tutorial in telugu (22:13)
CSS selectors turorial in telugu (71:47)
CSS-color-properties-tutorial-in-telugu (14:30)
Background styles in css (20:39)
Border styles in css (19:58)
Margin styles in css (14:54)
Padding styles in css (9:31)
Text styles in css (25:20)
Font styles in css (11:28)
Teaching Notes
javascript introduction in telugu (7:34)
output in javascript (24:42)
Comments in javascript (4:04)
varables and datatypes in javascript (7:25)
Popup boxes in javascript (12:10)
Operators in javascript (28:59)
Functions in javascript (23:26)
Arrays in javascript (7:10)
Control statements in javascript (28:33)
Javascript date (12:18)
Objects in javascript (18:48)
Javascript events (20:47)
Errors in javascript (23:20)
website-assignment (13:54)
Website_assignment_solution (184:18)
Teaching Notes
Django Web Development
Introduction to Django (14:28)
Django Software Setup (18:36)
MVT-Pattern in Django (18:25)
Creating First Django Project (23:15)
Creating Applications and Views (37:36)
Multiple Applications in Django Project (18:42)
Application Level URL Mappings (22:55)
Creating Templates in Django (35:40)
Sending data from view to template (20:38)
Inserting images into templates (17:01)
Linking stylesheets and templates (8:59)
setting homepage in django (34:43)
Models in Django (20:20)
Creating Models in Django (38:37)
Using Models in Views (38:01)
Django mysql connectivity (24:57)
Admin-UI in Django (16:55)
Django ORM Part-I (62:15)
Django ORM Part-II (38:10)
Model Forms in Django (28:07)
Saving form data (18:50)
Django Forms (22:17)
CRUD Operations (40:09)
Class-based views (13:56)
CRUD Operations using class based views (82:00)
Authentication in Django (35:12)
Authorization in Django (23:04)
Session management in django (90:40)
Notes PDF
Project Source code - School App
SQL Basic to Advanced
SQL Course Overview (7:35)
Introduction to DBMS (15:01)
Types of DBMS (26:12)
What is Meta Data (11:07)
Installing Oracle (13:52)
SQL sub languages (22:29)
SQL-Datatypes-Introduction (15:52)
character-data-types-in-oracle (19:40)
number-data-types-in-sql (15:53)
long-and-raw-datatypes (4:54)
datetime-data-types-in-sql (21:05)
Large-Object-data-types (8:01)
rowid-urowid-in-oracle (7:20)
What is DDL (11:28)
create in ddl (11:10)
alter in ddl (15:18)
rename in ddl (3:19)
truncate in ddl (8:23)
drop, flashback, purge in ddl (36:57)
What is DML (7:40)
insert in DML (32:02)
update in DML (17:21)
delete in DML (6:01)
insert all in DML (18:39)
merge in DML (19:55)
DRL / DQL (34:04)
Arithmetic Operators in SQL (5:47)
Relational Operators in SQL (5:38)
Logical Operators in SQL (7:58)
Special Operators in SQL (34:59)
Set Operators in SQL (14:59)
Concatenation Operator in SQL (2:41)
Transaction Control Language (TCL) (30:45)
Data Control Language (DCL) (28:25)
Group By Clause in SQL (28:28)
HAVING Clause (15:03)
Introduction to join (27:32)
equijoin in SQL (32:15)
nonequijoin in SQL (24:47)
Outer Join in SQL (21:18)
Self Join in SQL (10:18)
Cross Join in SQL (5:17)
Introduction to Subqueries (16:03)
when should we use subqueries (16:09)
Types of subqueries (10:12)
Non-Correlated Subqueries (34:23)
Correlated Subqueries (17:29)
Inline-view Subqueries (5:24)
Scalar Subqueries (12:36)
Introduction to Constraints in SQL (5:55)
Not Null Constraint in SQL (18:47)
Default Constraint in SQL (44:48)
Check Constraint in SQL (27:43)
Primary Key Constraint in SQL (34:10)
Unique Key Constraint in SQL (18:52)
Foreign Key Constraint in SQL (38:35)
Summary on Constraints (20:37)
Set Operators in SQL (16:45)
Introduction to PL/SQL (16:28)
PL/SQL Procedures (24:52)
Variables in PL/SQL (20:11)
String Datatypes in PL/SQL (17:47)
String functions in PL/SQL (31:01)
Number Datatypes in PL/SQL (8:12)
Number related Functions (43:13)
Date Datatypes in PL/SQL (11:14)
Date Functions in PL/SQL (20:17)
How to read input from user in PL/SQL (10:21)
%TYPE and %ROWTYPE in PL/SQL (21:18)
Control Statements in PL/SQL (9:38)
If Statement in PL/SQL (36:57)
Case in PL/SQL (20:26)
For loop in PL/SQL (30:40)
While and Simple Loops (18:45)
Introduction to Cursors (15:03)
Implementing Cursors in PL/SQL (44:23)
Ref Cursors in PL/SQL (8:49)
Error Handling in PL/SQL (48:40)
GIT Course in Telugu
Introduction to GIT
Installing GIT
Setting configuration
How to get Repository
GIT States
GIT Short Status
GIT Diff
Ignoring Files
Skipping the staging area
Removing files from GIT
Moving a file in GIT
GIT Commit History
Creating Remote Repository
How to use GIT in VS Code
GIT Tags
How to clone a repository
Branch Management in GIT
Merging Branches in GIT
Merging with GIT Rebase
Merge Conflicts
How to revert back to previous commits
How to switch to other branches without commit
Teach online with
While and Simple Loops
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